We are Democrats
New England boasts a proud tradition of self-government in service to the common good. The Braintree Democratic Town Committee is dedicated to keeping that legacy alive and putting it to work for the benefit of all. We reject the un-American notion of government as some distant, interfering entity, and embrace instead the conviction that government is all of US - united in our responsibilities to each other, our families, our community, our state, and our nation - doing together what individuals cannot do so well by themselves. The Democratic Town Committee works together in pursuit of two main goals: electing Democratic officials who take seriously the responsibilities of good government, and implementing Democratic principles in service to a thriving Braintree.
Thirty-five Braintree Democratic Town Committee members were elected for a four-year term on the presidential primary ballot on March 5, 2024.
In addition to elected members, the Democratic Town Committee has 20-year, or Lifetime Members, and Associate Members. Lifetime members have full voting privileges. Any registered Democrat who lives in Braintree may join as an Associate Member. Email us to add your name to the Braintree Democratic Town Committee.
Membership Dues:
Voluntary dues of $10 per member
is collected by the Treasurer once per calendar year.
Massachusetts Democratic Party Platform

That everyone has access to safe and affordable housing.
That everyone has access to high-quality, affordable health care.
That everyone has access to healthy, affordable food.
That everyone has access to a comprehensive education, from early education through higher education.
That everyone has the opportunity to have a good job with a living wage, good benefits, and form and join unions.
That everyone lives in a clean, safe and healthy environment.
That everyone has access to safe, efficient, and affordable transportation; clean water; parks; broadband; and other basic infrastructure to support daily life.
That everyone has the freedom to decide if and when to have a child.
That everyone has access to high-quality childcare.
That everyone is protected from all forms of discrimination.
That affirmative steps be taken to eliminate and redress disparities and inequities that have resulted from structural racism and other systemic forms of discrimination.
That everyone's right to vote and the integrity of our electoral process be protected.
That our political process, government, and public officials be free of undue influence, be open and accessible to the public, transparent, and held accountable to act in good faith in furtherance of our interests as described herein.
That we are well-prepared and take the necessary steps to protect our public health.
That we act with the boldness and urgency necessary to address and adapt to climate change.
That we foster Democratic grassroots activism.